
Tag: business transformation

Technology, Automation, Product, Project Management, Finance and Change Management (Fahim Moledina)

teaching robot

Managing Change in the Education System (Post Covid-19)- Fahim Moledina

I just finished reading a small article online about how Covid-19 has been driving changes to modernization in the education system. Which is below: I also wrote a little on this before: Re-Inventing the Post-Secondary My last role before consulting was helping to modernize and align strategies in a department within a post-secondary institute (psi).…
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Outside box- Fahim moledina

Design Thinking Supporting Business Transformation and Change – Fahim Moledina

How does design thinking help in change and transformation initiatives?

Fahim Moledina- authority vs influence

Leading with Influence by Fahim Ekbal Moledina

Leadership can be complicated but effective leaders in today’s workforce need to now be less authoritative and now have the skills to influence others to gain consensus or agreement to move initiatives forward in a way where people are bought in and motivated. The ability to influence is an essential leadership skill that as a…
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Classroom tech- Fahim Moledina CPA

Bootcamps, Self-Learning or Post-Secondary?

I wrote in the past on the value of post-secondary education and its need to adapt here. I also wrote on traditional examinations within the context of the CPA exam failures recently on testing there programs and usability. I was asked by somebody than where do I see things going in regards to education and…
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How do I respond? (To Inbox-zero or not?)

How do I respond? (To Inbox-zero or not?) In a perfect world everybody would read there emails in the workplace. This can often be difficult with the volume of emails but culture of empowerment and structure can help.

Fahim Moledina optisyn data

Data’s Power and Danger

Data-driven decisions are becoming in demand. Skillsets are being demanded that are more diverse with all the information being generated what do we believe? There is a lot to digest with all the data supporting people that is incorrect as often it is biased. This post just looks to provoke though on where we are currently.

Exams | Fahim Moledina

Learning has Changed: Re-inventing the Post-Secondary

Learning is changing and is becoming more open with more mediums. Can Post-Secondary’s adapt and is the needed culture shift there.

Customers First (Part 1)

Customers First (Part 1)- What is truly needed to be customer-centric and how do you listen to your customer and implement feedback?

Staff Empowerment the Key To Organizational Speed

Empowering employees can increase speed and efficiencies and lead to better decisions and ultimately help the bottom line.

Organizational Development: Culture Changes and The Voice of The Customer- Fahim Moledina

Organization Development (OD) is becoming more important as speed in operations and strategy is becoming a necessity with technology changing how people work. Workplace culture is increasingly becoming important in organizations as companies need to modernize or even just keep up with the current market. The functions of an OD Department are vast and often…
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